The store is abuzz with excitement as we anticipate the arrival of Alton Brown for his signing this afternoon. Raymond Reeves has a great article about Brown in the Clarion Ledger today that includes an interview in which Alton raves about his experiences in Misssissippi. When Reeves asks the chef about his general take on our state he responded,
"Mississippi was actually my favorite, I think. That's why I have three stops there on my book tour, more than anywhere else, because I enjoy myself in Mississippi so much.My favorite restaurant on the entire trip, my best, most favorite experience, was in Greenville at a place called Jim's Cafe. I ended up working with the cook to invent a new dish, my favorite dish of the trip, which was barbecued pork ribs on pancakes. There were times that you were just blown away by a place and the people that were in it, (like) Jim's Cafe and Doe's Eat Place and Joe's White Front Cafe, which burned down and is gone now."
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