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Thursday, July 3, 2008

If You Can't Ride the Jitney to the Hamptons, Ride on Over to Lemuria to get a Copy of the J.J. Salem's Summer Novel, Tan Lines!

St. Martin's Press is releasing the latest novel by Mississippi's own, J.J. Salem, today. Salem's new novel is called TAN LINES. The USA TODAY quoted Lisa Senz from St. Martin's yesterday saying, 

"Summer is the only time of year when even the smart girl has permission to indulge in the guilty pleasure of a really sexy, commercial novel." 

The USA TODAY also said, "This weekend, copies of J.J. Salem's Tan Lines will be given away on the Hampton Jitney. Lemuria will be hosting a release party for Tan Lines on Tuesday July 8, with special hours for the party from 6-8! Come by for the party!