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Monday, May 19, 2008

Seeing Redd

In the first book of The Looking Glass Wars Trilogy, The Looking Glass Wars, Frank Beddor brings in a new take of the love able stories of Alice In Wonderland and Through The Looking Glass by saying, Wonderland is real, the Mad Hatter is actual Alyss' personal bodyguard, and Alice is really spelled, "Alyss." Now, in Seeing Redd, Alyss tries her best to meet the non- stop demands of her being the new queen of Wonderland, Hatter Maddigan leaves Alyss for "personal problems," leaving her behind with the halfer, Homburg Molly, and Her Imperial Viciousness, Redd Heart, and The Cat return to Wonderland but only to find Redd's non- stop killing foot soldiers, the Glass Eyes, at full speed, surrounding Wonderland on all sides. Who has turned to Black Imagination and followed Redd's footsteps? Battles rage, looking glasses explode, and the Alyssian's are once again uniting to defend White Imagination in the action- packed second book of The Looking Glass Wars Trilogy, Seeing Redd.