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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Dalai Lama

Recently, I finished reading three books by the Dalai Lama.

The Path to Tranquility: Daily wisdom. I started last year in July, is a way to live with Dalai Lama for a short time each day of the year. A single contemplation for daily focus, on clearer understanding. Jan. 25th, for example: "things do not remain the same, and nothing really exists. Thus, appearances and emptiness exist simultaneously." Thoughts like this example help keep the day-to-day within a perspective allowing inner development creating a pause from the ego reinforcement of our daily routine behavior.

The Art of Happiness at Work: A conversation about job, career, and calling offers. A way of attitude development surrounding our daily routines. A way of understanding and interpreting an area of out life in which we spend so much of our time. Developing clearer thoughts about our contribution for others and enhancing ideas that benefit the well being of the personal lives of ourselves and our family.

The Wisdam of Forgivness: this explores the constant need of accepting life's problems with a keen understanding and developing a wisdom of perception moving forwards. Developing a compassionate attitude and observing the traps of problematic relations.

All this he said, the Dalai Lama's gift of kindness, care and wisdom for the world today radiate through his commentaries.

His Holiness. The Dalai Lama is scheduled to do a public talk in Atlanta, GA Oct. 21 & 22. - John Evans