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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Reviews for several titles by Alley Fortner

From time-to-time I give some galleys to young people I know to get their thoughts on new titles soon to be released
Alley is a high school student in Phoenix, Arizona having moved there several years ago from Jackson
she is an avid reader, and is providing for you some thoughts on books either just published or to be released this fall:

Eon by Alison Goodman
"I absolutely loved it! The story line was fabulous--the words fit perfectly adding a certain amount of suspense that just keeps you reading."
she gave this title five stars on a rating of 1-5

Here Lies Arthur by L. E. Matthews
" It was well worth reading! It took me a while to realize what was happening because I don't have much experience with reading about Arthur, but it was well worth the effort."
she gave this title four stars

note: L.E Matthews also wrote Fish which is one of our all-time favorites in OZ

The Last Of The High Kings by Kate Thompson
" The Last Of The High Kings was fabulous both in plot and story line. The words were all splendid."
she gave this title four stars

Thanks, Alley!!!