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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Vegetables Dishes I Can't Live Without

The Vegetables DIshes I Can’t Live Without by Mollie Katzen is a great cookbook for anyone looking for fresh and healthy ways to jazz up vegetables on the dinner table.

Growing up my parents had a large garden and I enjoyed the flavor and texture of a variety of vegetables and fruits. My mom is a great cook and I learned a lot from her about canning and cooking vegetables. However, since our vegetables were so delicious and fresh, my mom rarely put a lot of seasoning on them.

Mollie Katzen’s new book fills the gap . . . giving me easy new ways to spice up veggies whether fresh or straight from the can.

Some yummy recipes I tried and loved:

Artichoke Heart and Spinach Gratin
Sweet and Sour Red Cabbage with Cranberries and Blueberries
Stir-Fried Carrots, Red Peppers, and Red Onions